
黃金隕石-利比亞隕石墬 重:16.4g 【吉祥水晶專賣店】編號AS61

化煞 藍針白水晶柱 平衡磁場 重:958g【吉祥水晶專賣店】 編號AX71

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草莓晶手排 改善人際關係 重:36.5g 【吉祥水晶專賣店】編號AV84



快新聞/虎林專案4138人採檢出爐! PCR陽性再抓出1名
快新聞/桃園長者施打率「高達71.5%」 鄭文燦:明起開放70-72歲接種

Use the magic of water.Honoring,noticing the cleansing characteristics of water while drinking,showering,during your healing work.You are going through quite fast phases and changes,some of you are changing their places,jobs,some are transforming their emotions and this phase is raining down on you like stars,and you have let yourselves go with the flow under these energies.However,keep your calm within the flow.The power of serenity is important,while experiencing changes in every layer you need this to move in harmony,my little ones.Treating yourselves with kindness,embracing yourselves at every step is what you need to always remember.

As your light and vibrations gradually increase,you are going through some experiences for your other dimensions to also find balance during this phase.As your Soul reveals its Core,your body,cells,your whole system is changing,at this time you can feel whatever pain you have in the body that is compressed,rooted,just like an energy that expands the space it is in while trying to expand internally.Use the wisdom of the body,notice what needs to transform in the passages you name as sickness.Open yourselves to receiving every vibration,every sound,every information arising from your body; it is being renewed to level with the same frequency as your light.

And during this phase you do not need to experience this alone,proceed on your lonesome,whatever you need to support you know that it is with you,just ask.Do you need more sleep or deeper breaths? Bless your food the moment it is in front of you during the phase it becomes one with you,nourish yourselves asking for its highest healing.During this intense period of work,choose lighter food and using the magic of the water you drink,intend for it to carry the Light in your Soul with your every drop.While lighting and shining the Light of your Soul,remember that your body needs the same phase my little ones.Allow it to flex,expand.

Do not forget that the periods that seem like difficult carry the biggest rewards.Haven"t your experiences been like that? Remember how all the situations you called impossible became possible.Did you forget this after each experience? Even if you cannot see the reason for some of your problems,questions,let your faith be strong,your intention for the highest good.And allow fun to flow into each step you take seriously during this phase.Thus,each step will be woven by creativity.

Love and Light

Archangel Raphael

通靈:Gulcin Onel (Mavinin Sesi)
翻譯:Nick Chan






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